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Courses taught

  1. Introduction to the Theory of Politics, undergraduate seminars and tutorials, Oxford (Michaelmas 2020 & 2022)

  2. Theory of Politics, undergraduate tutorials, Oxford (2022-23)

  3. Theories of State, undergraduate seminars and tutorials, Oxford (Hilary [spring] 2023)​

  4. Feminist Theory, undergraduate lecture series, Oxford (Hilary 2023)​

  5. Undergraduate dissertations

Student feedback

How did you experience the course and my teaching?​

  • 'I really enjoyed this course and felt that I learned a huge amount, not just about the topics but also I feel more confident with how I write essays now and how to go beyond the readings and add my own ideas to them. I feel the discussions in tutorials were always incredibly engaging and I always came away from them seeing the readings in a new way.'

  • 'I really appreciated the message that you kept reinforcing that these were places for open discussion and learning, and that there wasn't pressure to always respond immediately to questions. Tutorials always left me feeling inspired to go away and have a go at the next essay.'

  • 'I found the course challenging but interesting and provocative (in a good way). Over the 8 weeks I felt I developed the tools to grapple with challenging texts.'​


Was there anything I did that particularly improved your learning experience?

  • 'The clear enthusiasm that you showed for the material made the learning extremely engaging, making for very natural conversation and making it very easy to engage in the session. Consequently, I felt much more interested in exploring the primary and secondary sources.'

  • 'Varying your approach based on our essays was a useful approach. Some tutorials, where it was clear we hadn’t grasped the key arguments of the texts, were focused on clarification, whereas others gave me more feedback on my essay and the points I made.'

  • 'the essay feedback provided each week was incredibly in depth... and something that I will repeatedly go back to in my revision, not only to help me with the topics we covered but with my writing overall.'

  • 'The essay feedback I received over the term was incredibly useful and went above and beyond some of the feedback I have received from other tutors. Receiving pointers on both structure and content was invaluable and enabled me to improve both as a writer and as a thinker.'


Further comments:​

  • 'I enjoyed our tutorials together. Specifically, I loved the feeling with which I always left a tutorial. This feeling was excitement. The excitement was caused by you showing me ways to think deeper about what an author really meant.'

  • 'Mori is not only fantastic as an academic tutor, but also puts a focus on student's wellbeing and takes an interest in how we as students are and feel that I very much appreciated. This really eased me into Oxford and it was a nice comfort that my tutor was not only an academic figure but an approachable pastoral figure too.'

  • 'Thanks again for a really great term'


All student feedback is shared with express permission.

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