Dr Mori Reithmayr

I’m a queer historian, political theorist, and researcher. My research expertise lies with twentieth-century LGBT activism, primarily in the United States. My academic work has appeared in or is forthcoming, among others, The Historical Journal, Journal of the History of Sexuality, and Oxford New Books.
I’m a postdoctoral fellow at the Rothermere American Institute, Oxford, and hold a DPhil (PhD) in Politics from New College, Oxford.​
As a public historian, I have written blog posts, newspaper articles, worked as an editor, and delivered lectures, outreach classes and workshops on the histories of LGBT activism, the Shoah, mental health, and Oxford, and doctoral research methods and design.
I teach on the history of political thought, modern political thought, feminist theory, and the history of gender and sexuality.​​​​​​
You can email me at mori.reithmayr[at]rai.ox.ac.uk.
For a copy of my CV, click here.​